Monday, September 16, 2024



Helen AshmeadLocal Artist Paints Joy & Light

Helen Ashmead, a painter, and printmaker, explores the natural world through various mediums, blending realism with symbolic representations to evoke emotional, mental, and spiritual states of perception. Her journey as a fine artist began with childhood art classes at the Cummer Museum, followed by high school classes with Memphis Wood....

Downward Dog Is the Fountain of Youth

Yoga is not just for the young and bendy. It’s time to shatter that stereotype and roll out the mat because yoga is the new Fountain of Youth for those young-at-heart. Picture this: a group of retired friends gracefully striking yoga poses while swapping stories. That’s right, yoga isn’t...

SCAM OF THE MONTH – Check Cooking

Last year, the big thing was check washing, where thieves stole paper checks from postal boxes, mailboxes or even carriers and then washed the checks with chemicals, keeping the signature but erasing the amount and the payee so they could fill in a new name and amount. But now,...